Top Physical Therapy Tips for After Surgery

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When you've had surgery, the most important thing is recovering. However, you also want to get back to your normal life as quickly as possible. So how do you do that?  You start initially with rest and then move into your post-surgery regimen, which usually includes physical therapy.  In this article, we've highlighted the top physical therapy tips for after surgery. Keep in mind that everyone's recovery rate will vary, so don't rush; just go at the pace that feels comfortable for you. If you are in the process of recovering from surgery, once you are ready to move again a running analysis may help you learn how to move your body safely.  

After Surgery Tips for Physical Therapy

After surgery, you'll need to work hard to regain your strength and mobility. You'll probably be feeling sore, stiff, and limited in your movements—and that's okay! It's normal to have these kinds of symptoms after surgery.

Here are the top physical therapy tips for after surgery:

  1. Make sure to get proper rest before, during, and after your surgery. Resting your body is essential for recovery and healing.
  2. Don't exercise too much too soon! Your body needs time to heal from surgery before you can resume your regular exercise routine. Be sure to talk with your doctor about what kind of exercises are safe for you to do during this time.
  3. Don't move the area too much—or at all if possible! It's important to keep the area immobilized so that it can heal properly.
  4. Ask questions if something doesn't feel right or looks different than it did before surgery—your physical therapist is there to help you through this process.
  5. Take your medication as prescribed by your physician. This is especially important if you're taking pain relief medications such as opioids because they may affect how well you heal after surgery
  6. Don't push yourself too hard or too fast. Take it easy for a few days after surgery, and then gradually work your way up to more activity as you feel ready.
  7. Start with simple stretches and gentle exercises before you do more intense exercises like weightlifting or running. You can get help with this process from your physical therapist.
  8. If possible, try working out with an exercise partner or friend who can keep tabs on how much effort you're putting into it—and who will hold you accountable for doing the right amount of exercise.
  9. Make sure that whatever type of physical therapy exercises you're doing are being done properly so that they work as well as they should. Your physical therapist will teach you how to do them correctly so they're effective at helping improve the range of motion and strength in your joints or muscles.
  10. Remember: It takes time

Additional Tip: Pain is Normal After Surgery

It's hard to imagine, but after your surgery, you're going to be in pain. A lot of it. And that's okay! It's normal, and it's part of the process. The best thing you can do for yourself is to plan for it. 

Try to get your mind into a positive place.  Find comfort in knowing that pain is a good sign. It is your body working to heal itself, given that you've just had an invasive process.

But there are things you can do to reduce pain after surgery and make your recovery go more smoothly. Here are our top 5 physical therapy tips for pain relief:

  1. Get moving! As soon as your doctor gives you the green light, try moving around as much as possible (but don't overdo it).
  2. Use ice packs and heat pads to soothe sore areas.
  3. Try massaging the area where you had surgery; this will help promote blood flow, which will speed up the healing process.
  4. Take it easy with activities like walking or standing; start out slow and build up gradually until your doctor gives you permission to do the more strenuous activities again.
  5. Ask for help when needed—your family members may be able to assist with some daily tasks like cooking meals or cleaning the house until your body gets used to doing them again post-surgery.


In order to speed the healing process, you need to be able to get your body started on the right path. Hopefully, these tips can help you rehabilitate faster and follow your surgeon's recommendations. But remember, every individual is different. Make sure you contact your physical therapist early to discuss your post-surgery regimen. 

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