Convert Eml Files To PST With Windows Live Mail

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If you are planning to start an internet marketing business or want to convert EML files to PST, then you should first know the basic concepts about these two different email message file formats. It is important to know them before choosing any particular software tool to convert an EML file into PST. As we all know, email is the lifeline of today's business; no other communication medium can replace it. With that being said, every business owner should keep their business communications in top condition all the time. Nowadays, majority of small businesses use Microsoft Outlook for managing their business communications and hence, they also need to use some kind of Microsoft Outlook converter to convert Windows Live Mail Converter.


There are many factors that determine the kind of software that should be used when converting EML files to PST; however, the most important factor in this decision is the type of file that one wants to convert. EML or Enterprise Message Format is a text file, which is compatible with Microsoft Outlook and other popular email client applications such as Outlook Express. Hence, it is important to note that any other email software that does not support the Outlook platform will not be able to work with the EML file.


Now let us move ahead and discuss the simple ways to migrate an EML file from a Word document to a PST folder. Firstly, you should open a new window or tab in your outlook and go to the 'gear' menu located at the top right corner of your screen. Then, you should click on 'emedl', click on the button 'igrate to' and follow the wizard guide. This will result in a migration of the entire file, which will involve importing of the necessary information in the format and then finally, sending the message. You should note that even though the entire process will take less than fifteen minutes, the entire process can be completed from one user with little or no technical assistance.


Secondly, you can go ahead and use the'manually' option available in the 'gear' menu. With the click of a mouse, you will be able to open a new window or tab in your outlook and use the same method to open a new profile or window. This will allow you to select the option 'load template' and browse through the list of all profile files that were previously added. Then, select the desired EML format from the list and save the newly created folder. Note that, if any of the folders were successfully imported using the 'load template' option, you will have to repeat the entire process for the other folders.


If you do not wish to convert the whole folder, you can simply choose to import all the converted EML files in to your personal folder. The personal folder is commonly located in the start menu or at the bottom left corner of your screen. Once you have opened it, you will notice that all your imported files are located in the same folder and organized in to categories. You can easily choose any category to place all the converted EML files in and drag and drop the items on the appropriate place within the folder.


The third and final way that you can convert eml files to PST is the manual method. Note that, this will require some level of computer proficiency and knowledge on Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. However, if you have knowledge about these three formats, you can accomplish the task by following the instructions laid out below. All you need to do is follow the steps given below:


For every item in the Microsoft Word document that contains text, there should be a date box below the text. This is an important setting as it indicates to the software the date and time when the data was last modified or written. Depending on the needs of your company, you can choose to automate the updating or you can opt for manual ways by updating or writing the data manually. The manual ways are effective but it may increase some limitations in expanding the functionality of the application.


Now the most convenient and effective way to convert your data from Word to PST is by using a batch conversion tool. The batch conversion tool is designed specifically for converting Word documents into PST and it has been proven to be very effective for accomplishing the task. The batch conversion allows you to import data into the system and simultaneously save the changes in the form of an RTF or PDF.


Before you begin the process, ensure that you have received the latest version of Microsoft Thunderbird (version 10). If you are not acquainted with this program, it is highly recommended that you use the manual method to convert multiple files to PST because it is easier and less time-consuming. If you are not using the automatic conversion option, you should import all your documents from your Word document to the Thunderbird document folder. Once your files are imported, save all the documents as an RTF or PDF and open the newly created backup.

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